/data/db => this is the default place where mongo stores its data in Linux OS
5. Run bash inside a container
[C] Network
1. Create a network
2. List networks
3. Use network
Initial Dockerfile
Multi stage Dockerfile
Building the development image
-v .:/usr/src/app => very important line during development -> it map the current Windows directory (.) to container’s Linux directory (/usr/src/app), for hot reloading
Building the production image
Note: use -L flag to trigger nodemon to hot-reload files. i.e.; nodemon -L index.js
We can run the container in detached mode by using -d flag.
i.e.; docker run -d <image-tag>.
it does not hold the terminal for logging.
but, then we have to use docker log <container-id> to see the log of a particular container.